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Fentanyl: A Poisoning and Anesthetizing of Our Nation

Fentanyl: A Poisoning and Anesthetizing of Our Nation looks at the opioid crisis from several angles. This training begins by defining Fentanyl's key characteristics of potency, drug class, and origins through a scientific lens. Participants will hear a real-life story about a person affected by Fentanyl addiction. Political and criminal justice matters such as illicit trafficking and manufacturing are brought to light. Finally, harm reduction methods are presented as a possible response to the exponential increase in Fentanyl related deaths happening all over the United States.

Goal: To inform the audience of the dangers of Fentanyl and educate them on harm reduction strategies.

Title: Fentanyl: A Poisoning and Anesthetizing of Our Nation Learning Objectives:

  • Have a general understanding about what Fentanyl is and is not
  • Be able to explain to others the dangers of Fentanyl
  • Feel comfortable describing harm reduction and using NARCANĀ© Nasal Spray
  • Have a general understanding of overdose prevention