Around the Circuits in 80 Days: An Ethical Tour of Bankruptcy Court (2nd Circuit)

second circuit

Many - if not most - bankruptcy judges come from the pool of practitioners that will appear before them. As a result, the transition to the Bench is rife with ethical pitfalls. This course is based on a conversation with two judges who have recently transitioned to the Bench; they cover such topics as: how ethics rules differ between judges and attorneys; recusal parameters; financial disclosures; and even the trickiness of socializing with longtime friends and colleagues.


Hon. Lisa Beckerman (NY, Southern District) Hon. Wendy Kinsella (NY, Northern District)

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Continental Bundle (11 programs @ 40% discount):
  • Members and Alumni: $198.00
  • Non-members: $297.00
Regional Bundle (6 programs @ 25% discount):
  • Members and Alumni: $135.00
  • Non-members: $202.50
Local Bundle (3 programs @ 15% discount):
  • Members and Alumni: $76.50
  • Non-members: $114.75
Per program:
  • Members and Alumni: $30
  • Non-members: $45