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1:30pm - 2:00pm - Let's Get Social - Fusion NewsBreak

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1:30pm - 1:45pm Let's Get Social

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1:45pm - 2:00pm Fusion NewsBreak

EXTRA! EXTRA!  Hear all about it!

Welcome back - Kevin Holmes, NAEP Immediate Past President


  • Kevin Holmes

    NAEP Past Chair
    AVP Budget & Finance
    Oklahoma State University - Tulsa

    Kevin Holmes, M.Ed., is the Assistant Vice President of Budget and Finance for Oklahoma State University in Tulsa. He has been involved with Higher Education Procurement for twenty-five years, working for both OSU-Tulsa and OSU Center for Health Sciences to provide Procurement, Budget, Finance, Bursar, Payables and Auxiliary Services. He has served on the NAEP Board of Directors as a District Representative and is currently serving as the President. He is a Past President of the TOAL (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana) region. Kevin has held certifications as a Fraud Examiner (CFE) and as a Procurement Manager (CPM).

December 2, 2020
Wed 1:30 PM EST

Duration 0H 30M

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