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Sustainable Wells and Wellfields: An Asset Management Short Course

Estimated contact time: 8 hours

  • NGWA: 0.8 CEU (1 CEU = 10 hours)
  • Per state: Varies, see specific state recognition in description
  • Continuing Education FAQs
Program description:
Goal — a solid basic understanding of groundwater and wellfield function, wellfield contamination and deterioration mechanisms, how to prevent and manage these, and the cost-benefit of wellfield asset management and sustainability as guiding principles.

In this course, you will learn:
  • The universal hydrogeologic, environmental, and technical bases of wellfield sustainability — groundwater occurrence, water well construction and development with emphasis on design, material choice, and construction basics that foster long service life
  • Understanding and managing the hydrologic and environmental challenges to wellfields
  • A wellfield is a slice of the environment — the basics of biogeochemical, hydrogeologic, operational challenges that impacts well and wellfield performance and sustainability
  • Methods and systems involved with rehabilitating a poorly performing well or wellfield and successfully planning and managing a rehabilitation project
  • The particular challenges of municipal and large irrigation wellfields, smaller public water supplies, domestic and farm wells, environmental monitoring and pumping wells, and village water supply wells in more remote settings such as the developing world
  • Using asset management practices and principles (sustaining assets and considering value) to implement a fact-based management program to operate a well and wellfield.