SLA Open Meetings with Leadership

SLA wants to continue to exceed new levels of accessibility and reach with our membership through the use of virtual meetings. As such, the board will plan to hold the Committee Share Out, Community Forum, and the Annual Business Meeting in a virtual format for 2022.

  • Thursday, July 7, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM ET – Community Forum
  • Thursday, September 22, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM ET – Community Forum
  • Tuesday, October 25, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET – Annual Business Meeting + Town Hall (Including Committee Share Out)
SLA members are invited to attend these open meetings but must register through the Learning Hub. SLA uses Zoom Webinar for Board Meetings.

We will continue to keep the members informed on upcoming meetings and ways you can participate to have your voice heard and contribute to the sustainability of SLA.