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Contaminants in Food: Codex Developments and Deliberations of Global Interest On-Demand Webcast

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This webinar will provide an overview of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) and recent and previous work on the establishment of Codes of Practice and the Maximum Levels (MLs) for various contaminants, including metals (e.g., lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury), natural toxins (e.g., mycotoxin, PAs), and heat-processed contaminants (e.g., acrylamide).

Attendees will also learn how they can help the deliberations in this Codex committee by drawing on their expertise and insights to contribute to IFT’s input into this committee’s important work.

Attendees will become more familiar with:
1. The details of specific food contaminants being deliberated in the CCCF
2. The type of information involved in and needed to address these topics
3. How to provide information to assist IFT’s input into these critical deliberations

Dr. Lauren Robin, U.S. Delegate, Branch Chief, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Plant Products Branch, U.S. FDA
Dr. James R. Coughlin, President and Founder, Coughlin & Associates
Dr. Martin Slayne; Slayne Consulting
Length: 60 minutes
Contact Hours: 1.0
Date Recorded: September 17, 2019
All IFT webcasts are free for IFT Premier and Student members.