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Using Behavior Science to Increase Vaccination Rates

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Nicole Shulick
Rachel Bruno
Julia Fishman
Khadijah Allen

Course Description
Human beings are hardwired to identify threats—it’s just how our brains work to keep us safe from danger. In a world where misinformation is commonplace and where deliberate disinformation campaigns are on the rise, it can be very difficult for people to discern a true threat from important information for their health and well-being. This presentation will examine how neuroscience factors into behavior and how effective messaging to help empower people to make informed decisions regarding their health. Using the new ACNM maternal vaccination campaign as an example, we will explore effective techniques based on behavior change neuroscience for midwives to learn effective strategies in improving vaccine update among patients.

Learning Objectives
1. Leveraging neuroscience to optimize marketing effectiveness
2. Understanding of why fear does not create behavior change
3. Creating messaging that works
4. Increase vaccination rates through communications that demonstrate an understanding human behavior

CEUs Offered: 1 CE 

This course is FREE and open to ALL

November 3, 2022
Thu 7:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

This live web event has ended.

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