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Concurrent 3.3 - Adolescents, Cochlear Implants, Music, and Speech

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Adolescents, Cochlear Implants, Music, and Speech

Recent investigations in auditory neuroscience reveal that individuals who are engaged in music training develop brain changes that promote an adaptive auditory system. This session discusses the development of listening and speech perception of two adolescents with profound hearing loss through their discovery of music, beginning with a Spotify playlist!

During this session, participants will:

  • Describe the application of music in listening and spoken language sessions with adolescents.
  • Explain the relative position of music in the auditory hierarchy.
  • Organize a sequential musical list for listening and spoken language intervention.


  • Jayne Simpson Allen, Dip T., B Ed., M Ed., LSLSCertAVT

    Jayne Simpson Allen is a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Teacher of the DHH, and an international mentor to professionals working towards LSLSCertAVT/AVEd.

  • Shaeez Usman Abdulla, PhD(BiomedEngg), Mtech(ElecInstEngg), Btech(ElecEngg)

    Electronics and Instrumentation engineer with doctoral training in Biomedical Engineering. Experienced university academic who has delivered over 20 courses across the faculties of science, engineering and medicine.

June 30, 2022
Thu 11:15 AM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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