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Keynote - Foundations for Literacy: A Research-Based Early Intervention that Improves Outcomes for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

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Foundations for Literacy: A Research-Based Early Intervention that Improves Outcomes for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

One avenue for improving reading outcomes is to ensure children who are deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) enter school with the foundational skills needed to learn to read. The Center on Literacy and Deafness has developed an early literacy intervention specifically for children who are DHH. Teachers use Foundations for Literacy in a one-hour literacy block for the school year. Student learning objectives include spoken phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, word reading, vocabulary, and narrative. Foundations is more systematic and its instruction is more explicit, multi-modal, and intensive than might be used with children who have typical hearing. Much of the instruction is embedded in language-rich activities. Finally, differentiation of instruction to the wide variation of language and phonological processing skills observed for children who are DHH is integral to the design. I will describe the foundational skills needed to read and the critical ingredients in Foundations that targets those skills. I will also present the results of a national randomized-trial evaluation of Foundations.

During this session, participants will:

  • Learn to describe foundational skills for learning to read.
  • Demonstrate instructional techniques that are related to better outcomes in DHH students.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of Foundations for Literacy.


  • Amy Lederberg Ph.D

    Amy Lederberg, Ph.D., is a Professor at Georgia State University and the director of the Center on Literacy and Deafness (CLAD). CLAD has developed five educational interventions to improve language and literacy outcomes for children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Some are for children who use spoken language, while others are for those who use sign language.

June 30, 2022
Thu 4:45 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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