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Part 1: Who Makes the Big Decisions and What Should They Consider?

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When considering requests for remote participation and other accommodations that might fundamentally alter the educational program in some way, a school must first determine who will be part of the decision-making and what factors will receive primary consideration, well before reaching any reasoned conclusions. This panel will address questions such as: How can schools determine whether, and which, classes must be taught in-person and which students, if any, might receive a waiver from such requirements? What campus entities should be involved in those discussions? What role does the disability office have? Are these considerations different now than they were pre-pandemic, and if so, how? This panel will talk through the legal obligations and the philosophical approaches that schools should be weighing when making these “big picture” decisions.


When considering requests for remote participation and other accommodations that might fundamentally alter the educational program in some way, a school must first determine who will be part of the decision-making and what factors will receive primary consideration, well before reaching any reasoned conclusions. This panel will address questions such as: How can schools determine whether, and which, classes must be taught in-person and which students, if any, might receive a waiver from such requirements? What campus entities should be involved in those discussions? What role does the disability office have? Are these considerations different now than they were pre-pandemic, and if so, how? This panel will talk through the legal obligations and the philosophical approaches that schools should be weighing when making these “big picture” decisions.


  • Jamie Axelrod

    Jamie Axelrod, M.S. is the Director of Disability Resources at Northern Arizona University and a past-president of AHEAD. Jamie presents regularly on topics related to disability access and higher education, having expertise in disability law and policy, communication and information technology (ICT) access, and the reasonable accommodation process. Jamie is a respected contributor to professional listservs, having received the Fink-Ryan Award for the quality of his guidance, and a go-to consultant for complex issues. He has worked for the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s athletic department, as a mental health therapist, and for Protection and Advocacy Systems, Inc., a disability rights advocacy law firm where he served as an advocate for individuals with disabilities who were claiming that their civil rights had been violated. Jamie has served as co-chair of Northern Arizona University’s Commission on Disability Access and Design and on AHEAD’s Board of Directors.

  • Paul Grossman

    Paul Grossman, J.D. served as a civil rights attorney for the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), serving as its Chief Regional Attorney in San Francisco for 30 years. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Disability Law at Hasting College of Law, University of California, and a member of the AHEAD Board of Directors, the Public Policy Committee of the Association for Children and Adults with AD/HD (CHADD), and the Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) Expert Advisory Board. Dr. Grossman has worked on every type of education discrimination and investigated, written decisions, and settled hundreds of disability discrimination cases, often developing new approaches to protecting students with disabilities. He is the coauthor of The Law of Disability Discrimination (8th Edition) and its companion publication, Law of Disability Discrimination Handbook: Statues and Regulatory Guidance.

  • Jane Jarrow

    Jane E. Jarrow, Ph.D., has been a pioneer in the field of disability services in higher education for more than 40 years. She was the first Executive Director of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), serving in that capacity for 15 years before becoming a private consultant as the President of Disability Access Information and Support (DAIS). In that role, Jane has visited hundreds of campuses for site visits and presentations, presented and written extensively on topics of interest to our field, and taught online professional development classes critical to the knowledge base and understanding of disability service providers throughout the United States and Canada.

  • L. Scott Lissner

    L. Scott Lissner, MSEd., is the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator and 504 Compliance Officer for The Ohio State University, where he is also an Associate of the John Glenn School of Public Policy and serves as a lecturer for the Moritz College of Law, the Knowlton School of Architecture and Disability Studies. Engaged in community and professional service, Scott is a Past President and Public Policy Chair of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) and serves on the Board of Directors for The Center for Disability Empowerment, VSA Ohio, and the Editorial Board for Thompson’s ADA Compliance Guide. He is a regular and popular presenter both nationally and internationally, serves on numerous boards in support of access and equity. Recent publications include The Impact of the ADAAA of 2008 on Higher Education, Thompsons Publications; Universal Design in the Institutional Setting: Weaving a Philosophy into Campus Planning in Universal Design: From Accessibility to Zoning (J. Cowley-Evans & J. Nasser (Eds.); From Legal Principle to Informed Practice with J. E. Jarrow; and A Long View of Change, Disability Blog, The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy.

  • Michael Masinter

    Michael R. Masinter is an emeritus Professor of law at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale who taught, litigated, and wrote about disability rights issues throughout his 42 years of teaching. He writes a bimonthly column for Disability Compliance for Higher Education, and serves on the legal panel of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. He has been a member in good standing of the Florida bar and the bar of various federal courts since 1973, and graduated from Georgetown University Law Center in 1973 and Stanford University in 1968.

May 25, 2021
Tue 3:00 PM EDT

Duration 2H 0M

This live web event has ended.