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How to Develop an ADA Faculty Training Program

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ADA: Faculty Responsibilities Training is a multi-media curriculum that targets faculty. Participants will leave this how-to webinar with an overview of the curriculum, the 30-page faculty training manual, a two-hour professional development PowerPoint, learning outcomes, script, and additional resources for disability resource professionals to take back and customize for their institutions.

Did you miss this live webinar? You can now purchase the recording and presentation materials!


ADA: Faculty Responsibilities Training is a multi-media curriculum that targets faculty. Participants will leave this how-to webinar with an overview of the curriculum, the 30-page faculty training manual, a two-hour professional development PowerPoint, learning outcomes, script, and additional resources for disability resource professionals to take back and customize for their institutions.

Did you miss this live webinar? You can now purchase the recording and presentation materials!


  • Catherine Wharton

    Catherine Wharton, Ed.D. is the Director of the Diagnostic Center for Educational Assessment and the ADA Specialist overseeing Student Accessibility Services at Lynn University. She joined Lynn University in 2006 and teaches as an adjunct in the College of Arts and Sciences. In 2018, she completed her doctorate in education with a dissertation entitled, “Reading Comprehension in Two Accommodated Reading Tasks with College Students with Reading Disabilities.” Her responsibilities include reviewing psychological testing submitted by students with disabilities, engaging in the interactive process with ADA students and monitoring the implementation of ADA accommodations with fidelity. Dr. Wharton develops content and provides trainings and strategies to support students, academic coaches, tutors, and faculty. She is particularly interested in integrating compensatory strategies, motivational theory and practice within pedagogy to foster a classroom environment of confidence and competence leading to student mastery.

February 15, 2022
Tue 12:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 30M

This live web event has ended.