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Better Together: Moving Towards Gender Equity in Emergency Medicine

This course is designed for medical students, family medicine residents completing a certificate of added competence in emergency medicine, emergency medicine residents, and physicians who practice emergency medicine in Canada and around the world. The CAEP Women in Emergency Medicine committee has designed this course to give physicians foundational knowledge in how female and non-binary trainees and physicians experience discrimination throughout medical training and in practice. We acknowledge that gender identity is unique for every individual. We also acknowledge that experiences of discrimination are intersectional. Women and non-binary individuals are more likely to experience discrimination if they identify with another equity-seeking group. This course focuses primarily on individuals who identify as female or non-binary. 

Overall Learning Objectives:
1. Define gender equality, gender equity and the gender wage gap
2. Describe strategies to combat stereotype threat for individuals and organizations
3. Compare and contrast the barriers and progress women face in attaining leadership positions in EM
4. List 5 strategies for allyship for gender equity in EM