08.05.2014 | Progressive Collapse Design Guidance and Methods of Analysis

Many important government and military buildings have special design requirements intended to
minimize the potential for Progressive Collapse (PC). The two most widely used design guidelines for
design of structures to resist progressive collapse in the U.S are the Department of Defense (DoD)
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-023-03 “Design of Buildings to Resist Progressive Collapse” which
applies to military buildings, and the General Services Administration (GSA) Progressive Collapse
Analysis and Design Guidelines for New Federal Office Buildings and Major Modernization Projects.

Significant advances made through research in this field have resulted in recent updates of the UFC 4-
023-03 (released in 2013) and a soon to be released major update to the GSA guidelines.
The two main approaches for designing structures to resist progressive collapse are the “Indirect
Approach” or Tie Forces which is only used in the UFC guidelines, and Direct Approach which may
consist of Alternate Path Analysis and/or Specific Local Resistance. This webinar will discuss the intent
and interpretation of these guidelines including the recent updates as well as the implementation of the
various methods of analysis with emphasis on the Non-linear Dynamic (NLD) Alternate Path procedure.
The cost impact of incorporating PC design requirements will also be discussed and the recent and ongoing research efforts in this field will be presented.