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09.19.2023 | Managing Risks in Adjacent Demolition, Excavation, and Construction

Construction in dense urban environments and other zero-setback conditions has the potential to impact adjacent and adjoining properties. With effective planning and communication, the risks of demolition, dewatering, excavation, and construction next to existing structures can be evaluated and managed, reducing the likelihood of damage and disputes between property owners. Many of the same physical risks also apply where a building is demolished or constructed next to an existing one with the same owner, for example, a building addition.Proactive reviews—as well as reactive investigations and repairs—are often challenging and interdisciplinary projects, with considerations ranging from geotechnical and structural to building enclosure and life safety. The presenters will identify frequently encountered issues ranging from foundations (support of excavation, groundwater management, and vibration) to walls (party walls, opening protection, and seismic separations) to roofs (snow loads, roof drainage, and crane overswings). Code compliance issues and allocation of responsibility and risk between property owners will also be discussed.

  • Course will award 1.5 hour of continuing education
  • This course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states. New York does not accept hours from recordings.