21st Century Grant Applications

(March 13, 2019)  Online grant proposals are here to stay. They are frustrating, exasperating and daunting. Still, we often must present our case for support in 2,000 characters (- 350 words or less). Writing tight or to the point while getting the attention of the grant reviewer has never been more crucial. Although brevity is key, grant makers still want engaging narratives that state the issue or problem succinctly while providing evidence that your organization will achieve the proposed outcomes. Knowing what to say and how to say it in a short grant application is the focus of this session. The techniques discussed will help you craft successful paper and paperless proposal narratives.

Participants will:

  • Learn techniques to present their case in as few words as possible.
  • Identify key elements that will grab grant reviewers’ attention.
  • Edit proposals for strong content.
Appropriate for Applied Level

Presenter: Diane Gedeon-Martin. For over 27 years, Diane has focused on grants, grant seeking and fund development for non-profits. She launched her consulting firm, The Write Source in 1993 that today boasts a roster of nearly 270 nonprofit clients in 26 states and Washington, DC. Diane is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer. For 14 years she was an adjunct faculty member of The Fundraising School at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University where she also co-developed the curriculum for their Grant Proposals course. In 2010, she became an AFP Certified Master Trainer.