Equip Your Board To Be Effective, Fluent Brand Ambassadors


Your board contributes their time, treasure, and expertise to support your mission and vision—and they are charged to be ambassadors for your organization. But they may not have the knowledge and comfort to tell your story to prospective donors and partners who may not know who you are, what you do, and why you’re worthy of support. This session will map out a process to engage, inform, equip, and support your board in becoming confident, compelling brand ambassadors—from collaboration around message development to role-playing workshops—so they have the tools and training they need to succeed.


  • Meg Tripp

    Meg is an integral part of the strategy team and helps organizations connect more effectively with their audiences and constituents through compelling messaging, thoughtful content strategy, and copywriting across a broad range of print and digital media. A writer and editor by trade, she graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BA in English Literature and Political Science.

  • Roger Sametz

    As CEO + Lead Strategist, Roger works with clients to define branding, communication, and fundraising strategies to help them better connect with their constituencies and advance organizational goals.
    Roger serves on the Board of Overseers of WGBH; Executive Committee of the Corporate Executive Council, WGBH; Executive Committee of the Business Partners Board of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He has served on, and coached multiple boards. He received both his BA and MFA from Yale University.

November 2, 2023
Thu 1:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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