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CRC Augmentative and Alternative Communication Series (2024-2025)

This series includes courses selected for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors working in the field of communication needs with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Speech Generating Devices (SGDs) technologies.

CRC CEU Information for Courses included in this Series:

This series is eligible for up to 9.0 CRC Hours or 0.9 CRC CEUs.

This activity is valid with this Pre-Approval number from March 20, 2024, through March 19, 2025. The CRCC Pre-Approval number is included on the CRC Certificate issued once you complete a course and the appropriate evaluations.

This series includes nine courses. You may purchase one, multiple, or all courses included in this series. Each course expires 60 days after the date of purchase of this bundle.

Before submitting your CEU(s) to CRCC for a course or courses included in this series, please be sure to complete all courses you intend to complete within this series. CRCC will only allow you to submit once for courses included in this CRCC pre-approval number. The CRCC system will not allow you to go back at a later date and add additional CRC hours to your initial submission for this pre-approval number.

Learning Objectives for the Series:

  1. Name the five phases of a coaching cycle that appear in the literature.
  2. Give two examples of how to use scaling to help a caregiver create appropriate goals.
  3. Identify at least three factors that attribute to AAC system abandonment.

  1. Describe at least three ways SSVCs are used by individuals who use AAC.
  2. Define three voice command categories of SSVCs that were used in The InVISTA Program.
  3. Describe at least one way SSVCs promote social inclusion.

  1. List the four key elements influencing effective communication design and use for individuals who use AAC.
  2. Describe the four contextual factors related to communication success for individuals using AAC.
  3. Identify one aspect of relevance from this research findings to promote more effective communication in practice.

  1. Describe two improvements to communicative interactions for children who use AAC in the summarized studies as a result of intervention.
  2. Describe how to create one static visual scene display with three communicative hot spots.
  3. Describe how to create one video visual scene display with two communicative hot spots.

  1. Identify three techniques for introducing and using eye gaze access methods for individuals with cortical visual impairments.
  2. Describe three strategies to make eye gaze access to AAC more accessible for individuals with cortical vision impairment (CVI).
  3. Discuss characteristics and perceptions of cortical vision impairments that frequently rule out providing access to eye gaze access technology.
  4. Describe one or more considerations for AAC for individuals with CVI.

  1. Identify three types of demands that SGDs make on those who use them.
  2. Discuss one or more themes that emerge from this research and their impact on AAC practice.
  3. Describe one or more of the ways phenomenological research can influence AAC and AT practices.

  1. Identify 3 different methods of alternative access to SGDs other than eye gaze and switch scanning.
  2. Describe 3 settings or parameters that can be manipulated on an SGD to improve physical access.
  3. List 2 concerns that may hinder a user’s ability to successfully use a given access method.

  1. List three considerations impacting vocabulary selection for adults who use AAC.
  2. Discuss three critical elements to a successful transition.
  3. Describe a template transition plan for AAC Users in high school.

  1. Describe one or more current approaches to system-wide implementation of AAC best practices.
  2. Describe components of a seven-block team-based approach to support AAC users.
  3. Explain three benefits of providing implementation support as part of professional development.

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  3. If you're not already logged in, you will be prompted to sign in using your ATIA Learning Center credentials. Alternately, click "Sign Up" to create a new account.
  4. On the Shopping Cart page, enter your subscription access code in the Promo Code box and click "Apply". This will bring your balance to $0.00.
  5. Click the "Purchase" button to complete the purchase process.
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