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A Model for Sustainable Sourcing: Guayusa- Fireside Chat with Applied Food Sciences

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Guayusa is a functional tea leaf that grows exclusively in the upper Amazon basin of Ecuador and Peru. This herb has naturally occurring caffeine and antioxidants that provide a nootropic energy benefit. However, almost more incredible is that guayusa has an amazing sourcing story. Over the last five years, Applied Food Sciences (AFS) has worked to build a sustainable supply chain of responsibly and ethically sourced guayusa through co-ops and foundations across Ecuador and Peru. Instead of industrial plantations, AFS works with thousands of independent farming families, protecting the ecosystem and the communities surrounding this meaningful herbal ingredient. Rather than using mono-crop systems, guayusa is grown in ancient forest gardens known as "chakras" among trees and other vegetation utilizing patterns observed in nature. Chakras apply similar growing techniques to agroforestry and permaculture. From indigenous hunters to modern gamers, the story of guayusa continues to grow.

Brian Zapp, Director for Applied Food Sciences.
Ann Armbrecht, Director for the Sustainable Herbs Program.
William Garces, CEO for Yhu Life.