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CR 2-226 Strategic Planning to Grow Your Business

Instructor: Katherine Jenkins
Total time: 82 minutes
CEUs: 1.5
Conference Year: 2016

Course Description
As a micro-business owner you probably spend more time working in your business rather than working on your business. So how do you really know how you’re doing and more importantly… how to do better? In this Enhanced Session we will go through the Strategic Planning Process just like the bigger businesses do. And when you walk away you will have a concrete plan that defines your vision; mission; where you are today; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and finally what steps you need to take to get where you want to be. For anyone who has been in business 5+ years and who has never taken the opportunity to create a strategic plan, this session is a must! If you are just beginning in your business this session will help your strategically plan where you want to be in the future.
Code Words
Please be sure to listen for and record the code words given during the presentation. The instructor will explicitly verbalize code words periodically throughout the class (i.e. "The first code word is...") Note: Not all instructors give code words. If you do not hear any, please indicate "none given" on the course evaluation.