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Business Resources Track

In order to provide a new or seasoned business owner with the fundamentals and tools necessary to start, grow or adjust your business, NAPO has created the Business Resources Track. The Education Committee has developed this curated list from NAPO-U to help you create a thriving, sustainable business. Whether you need to learn new skills or fill in knowledge gaps, you’ll gain fresh perspectives in marketing, administration, client relationships, strategic thinking and more. Investing in these courses will expand your skills and help you develop a professional mindset.

The classes have been grouped into key business categories so you can take them based on your needs. While some of the material is geared towards working with clients, much can be gained by applying these concepts and tools to your own business. This Track does not offer its own Specialist Certificate, however, the classes in red are applicable to the Residential and/or Workplace Productivity Certificates. The foundational classes include the three required courses (in blue) to become a Professional NAPO Member.

  • There are no Specialist Certificate Badges earned for this track.
  • A member can choose to take any of the classes they desire. This track is meant to be a resource for any areas one might be lacking in one’s business entrepreneurial knowledge.
  • XX 1-###  Beginner 
  • XX 2-###  Intermediate (2-5 years experience)
  • XX 3-###  Advanced (5+ years experience)
  • XX 4-### General (For everyone)