Education Session 2 B: Today's Strategic Planning and Change Management

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In today’s ever changing world, is strategic planning and change management still needed? Yes! With the right planning, you can be strategic but also be prepared to handle change effectively and not purely reactively. This session will help you understand the need for strategic planning, organizational change preparedness, and standardized change management processes.


  • Matt Connell

    Matt Connell is a Blackbaud University Instructor at the Principal level, and the lead instructor for nonprofit organizational best practices and fundraising. Matt has been a frequent contributor to sgENGAGE and the Blackbaud Community and has presented at bbcon and AFP ICON events. Prior to joining Blackbaud, Matt’s career was a diverse mix of development operations, research, and fundraising.

    As an educator to the social good sector, Matt helps to grow the expertise and advance the knowledge of those working to do the most good for the world we share. As an expert in multiple customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, internet communication platforms, and research and analysis tools, Matt makes learning both approachable and lasting.

December 1, 2021
Wed 12:20 PM EST

Duration 1H 0M

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