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Spark Greater Donor Affinity Using the Ladder of Engagement

Traditional donor engagement models lean heavily on a “ladder of engagement” model. Through this “ladder” framework, nonprofits intentionally design engagement points, and thereby guide supporters into higher levels of affinity and action. The growth of social media has influenced the way we nonprofits engage with our various constituencies. Continuous communication is now an expectation—not an option. We are on the hook for figuring out how effectively communicate and influence diverse supporters entering from various angles.

This session will review how to assess donor behavior, how to incorporate measures of influence and how to better account for the fluid and dynamic ways in which people support causes. This includes how to move beyond the typical promotional and “call to action” donate options.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the traditional ladder of engagement model as well as adaptations
  • Explore what to look out for and how to avoid pitfalls when implementing a ladder of engagement
  • Walk away with increased clarity of your blind spots for high impact engagement
  • Map out steps to take supporter engagement to the next level at your organization